
What is Search Engine Optimization

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engines are like yellow pages in digital media (internet / world wide web). Any user who wants more information on a product or service first search for the same through search engines, like google.com, yahoo.com, bing.com, msn.com. Aol.com etc. As you must have noticed, you usually get a number of listings, sometimes running into lakhs of results for that particular product or service.

It is obvious that nobody will not go through all the results one by one, but rather go through the first 10 or at the best 20 or 30 results for their requirement and visit the respective web sites. So, if your product or service is not listed in the first one or two pages of the search results for your product or service, you are likely to lose a prospective customer. And, the persons searching for your product / service, in all probability are real users who are in the market to find the product /service.

According to an expert study, more than 85% of the visitors (traffic) to any web site are through search engines only, as they may not know you directly.

Now the whole game is how to get to the top of the results from thousands to lakhs of results?

The Art of getting into the Top 10 to 20 Search Results from thousands to lakhs of results and then maintaining it is called "SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION".

Hence SEO (SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION) is as important as designing and hosting an informative and interesting website, to complete your Net Presence.